Foreign Teams

僅接受至多 10 隊國外隊伍報名。國外隊伍可直接參加現場競賽,無需參加預賽。

We accept up to 10 foreign teams, who may compete in the on-site contest without participation in any preliminary contest.  When more than 10 foreign teams register, teams will be selected to maximize the number of participating countries and universities.  If there are multiple possible selection methods, priority will be given to teams that registered earlier.

Domestic Teams 國內隊伍


  • 「私立大專院校程式競賽」錄取 10 隊,但每校不得超過兩隊。
  • 「科技大專院校程式競賽」錄取 10 隊,但每校不得超過兩隊。
  • 其餘隊伍依據「ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest」提出的隊伍優先序錄取,但每校不得超過十隊。

如有隊伍重複錄取或因故無法參賽,由同校參與「ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest」之隊伍依成績擇優遞補。如無同校隊伍可遞補,則依據「ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest」提出的隊伍優先序遞補。

Domestic teams must qualify by participating in and advancing from at least one preliminary contest.

  • Private University Programming Contest: 10 teams will be accepted, but no more than two teams from each university.
  • Technology University Programming Contest: 10 teams will be accepted, but no more than two teams from each university.
  • Remaining Teams: Teams will be accepted based on the team priority order established by the “ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest,” but no more than ten teams from each university will be accepted.

In case of duplicate admissions or if a team is unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances, the following replacement procedure will be followed:

1. Same-School Replacement: Teams from the same university that participated in the “ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest” will be considered for replacement based on their performance. The team with the highest score will be selected.

2. External Replacement: If there are no eligible same-school teams for replacement, teams from other universities will be considered based on the team priority order established by the “ICPC Taiwan Online Programming Contest.” The team with the highest priority will be selected.